Marx. Bookstore and coffee shop

The concept of the project is based on the idea of combining a bookstore, a coffee shop and a small art gallery in a single space. Divided into two parts by a massive wall, the space along Marx Street organically accommodates these functions. The integrity of the space is ensured by two wide portals in the wall and a uniform layout. We tried to avoid the usual ‘catering’ and ‘shop’ typologies and instead create an informal, friendly atmosphere with free-standing armchairs and small light tables. The horizontality of the furniture elements in both rooms opens up the walls to graphics and paintings by Belarusian artists.

The fragmented and poetically ruined ceiling is cleaned and painted in the colour of the walls, and the texture of the brick is exposed only around window openings. The complexity of the walls and ceiling determined the simplicity and unobtrusiveness of the furniture elements and their materials. The sand-coloured floor and light-reflecting stainless steel add some light and warmth to the dark space of the ground floor.

Date: 2021
Location: 11 Marx St., Minsk
Area: 130 square meters
Status: Concept. During the implementation phase, the project was modified.